2023 USATF Illinois Association Junior Olympic and PARA Olympic Track & Field Championships   

Printable Copy: USATF Illinois Assoc Junior & Para Olympics (rev 6/11/2023)
TF State Meet Info.pdf
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Facility Information
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University of Illinois

Demirjian Park

606 Saint Mary’s Road

Champaign, IL 61820

June 23-25, 2023


Age Divisions & Eligibility Requirements:

  Age Divisions                                                                                         

8 & under (born 2015 & later)

9-10 (born 2013-2014)

11-12 (born 2011-2012)

13-14 (born 2009-2010)

15-16 (born 2007-2008)

17-18 (born 2005-2006)

Athletes who are still 18 through the final day of the USATF National Junior Olympic Track & Field Championships are eligible to compete in the 17-18 age division through that meet.


Individuals: Only U.S. citizens, aliens living in the United States and foreign exchange students are eligible to compete in these Championships.  See the USATF Rules for more information and exceptions.  A competitor must compete in his/her age division only.  There will be no "moving up" in any events, including relays.  Competitors in the 8 & under, 9-10, and 11-12 divisions may compete in a maximum of three (3) events, including relays.  Competitors in the 13-14, 15-16 and 17-18 divisions may compete in a maximum of four (4) events, including relays. All athletes must be 2023 members of USATF in good standing. 


Relay Teams: Only registered 2023 USATF member clubs may enter a relay team(s).  All athletes representing the club must be affiliated with and members of that club as part of their USATF membership at the time of meet registration.



Starting this year, we are offering PARA ambulatory and wheelchair events in addition to our regularly scheduled events. PARA athletes are able to compete in the following events: 100, 200, 400 and shot put.



The registration site is www.athletic.net. Here are the links: 


PARA:) https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/meet/503868/register


There is a single deadline. It is Tuesday, June 20, at 5:00 pm.


A valid 2023 USATF Membership and Proof of Birth (which must be uploaded to the athlete’s profile) are needed to compete.  


FEES:  The fees are:  $8.00 per event and $32 per relay.


For questions, contact us at: usatfil@sbcglobal.net


Combined Events: Will not be contested at the Association Championships. It will be contested during the USATF Region 7 Combined Event, July 6-7. There is a separate registration site. Go to www.athletic.net. Here is the link: https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/meet/504524/registerCombined Events registration closes Monday, July 3, 2023, at 5:00 pm.


AWARDS: USATF Junior Olympic medals will be awarded to the top three (3) individuals and the top three (3) relay teams in each event of each age division.


ADVANCEMENTS: The top twelve (12) finishers in each event of each age division will advance to the USATF Region 7 Championships to be held July 6-9, 2023, in Champaign, Illinois.


The National Junior Olympic Championships will be held Monday, July 24, through Sunday, July 30, in Eugene, Oregon. The top five athletes and relay teams from the Region 7 Championships will qualify for the National Championships.   


IMPLEMENT WEIGH-IN: Will be at the track one hour before each event. If the athlete is unable to check in, a coach or parents can have the implement weighed.


EVENT CHECK-IN: There are separate check-in areas for running and field events. Field events athletes check in at the field event. Running events athletes must check in at these designated areas once the announcement is made. All athletes are required to remain in the designated warm-up area after checking in.


If an athlete is in a field event when a running event is called, the athlete MUST notify the Field Event Judge that they need to check in for the running event.  The Event Judge will notify the Head Field Judge and they will notify the Clerking Tent that the athlete is at a Field Event. At the final call, a Meet Official will escort the athlete to the clerking tent.


Effective 2023: Athletes 10 & under will be returned to the hipping and clerking area after competition. They must be picked up by a coach or parent.


PACKET PICK UP: Starting Friday, June 23, at 11:00 am at the track and each morning of competition starting at 7:00 a.m. All competitors must wear their assigned bib numbers during competition on the front on their jersey. If an athlete loses the bib number, a replacement can be purchased for a fee of $8.00. The replacement wrist band (athlete) fee is $8.00.  If a coach band is lost, it will not be replaced and the coach will have to pay the entry fee at the gate.

*Note: No entry changes/no substitutions/no adds/no new entries will be accepted at the meet site.


EVENT RESULTS: During competition, event results will be posted on the premises and Real-Time Results will be available at shazam.live.  At the completion of the meet, event results will be posted at www.usatfillinois.org.  Go to Association Championships/All Results.


PROTESTS: There will be a $100.00 (cash) fee for all protests.  Checks will not be accepted. Protests must be submitted to the Protest Referee within 30 minutes of a result that is announced or posted.  The protest fee will be refunded if the protest is upheld. Judgment calls cannot be protested. Only rule violations can be protested and you must cite the rule that is in violation.  All protests must be presented by the head coach if the athlete is on a team.


RULES – CONDUCT & FACILITY: The following are not permitted in the facility.


Glass or metal containers

Weapons, fireworks, explosives or munitions

Laser pointers

Gum on the track or the infield


Skates, skateboards, or roller blades

Plastic bottles and coolers are permitted but are subject to inspection by security personnel at the gate entrance.


GATE ADMISSION FEES The daily entrance fee is $10.00.. Children four (4) and under are free. Only those coaches who are listed in the coaches’ registry will be allowed to enter at no cost. Pending coaches applications WILL NOT be accepted.



In the case of inclement weather and we are forced to postpone an event, it is the responsibility of the competitor to check for the adjusted time schedule. Instructions will be provided and announced.



During the week of June 18th, (Monday through Thursday) the office will be open from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm.




Meet Directors: Marc Jones, jonesjdaddy5@yahoo.com  & Art Pahl, pahlac58@gmail.com

Entries:              Brenda Kimbrough, bbkimbrough@gmail.com

Memberships:   Lorette Cherry, usatfil@sbcglobal.net


Order of Events

Friday, June 23

Coaches meeting 2:00 pm


Running Events 3:00 pm

*****Hammer (all) 12:00 noon******
*****PV Boys  12:00 noon****************** Events 3:00 pm

Steeplechase F

Pole Vault (Girls)

4x100 F

Triple Jump (Girls)

4x800 F

Long Jump (Girls up to 12)

200 P



Saturday, June 24

Running Events 12:00 noon
1500/3000 Race Walks
200/400H F

Field Events 12:00 noon

Discus (Girls)

Javelin Boys & Girls (13-18)

3000 F

High Jump (Boys)

100 P

Triple Jump (Boys)

800 F

Long Jump (Girls 13-18)

100 F (Ambulatory and Wheelchair)

Shot Put (Boys Ambulatory and Wheelchair)

100 F

Shot Put (Boys)


Sunday, June 25

Running Events 12:00 noon



Field Events 12:00 noon

110/100/80H P*

High Jump (Girls)

10 Minutes Break

#1 Long Jump (Boys up to 12)

80/100/110H F

#2 Long Jump (Boys 13-18)

400 F (Ambulatory and Wheelchair)  

Shot Put (Girls Ambulatory and Wheelchair)

400 F

Shot Put (Girls)

1500 F

Discus (Boys)

200 F (Ambulatory and Wheelchair)

Javelin (Boys & Girls up to 12)

200 F


4x400 F




1. Unless otherwise noted, the starting order shall be younger to older, girls followed by boys per age group.
2. Athletes participating in field events must provide their own implements.
3. Schedules are subject to change. It is your responsibility to continue to check for recent updates.
4. PARA athlete events will be contested Ambulatory then Wheelchair. They are final events only.


Key P = Prelim, F = Finals


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