Saturday, November 21, 2020
NIU North 40
DeKalb, Illinois 60115
Enter “Lucinda & Kishwaukee Dr into Maps app. Follow road north to course.
Located across from Barsema Hall and the Engineering Building.
Sanction: 20-21-059
COVID Regulations:
Covid 19 has impacted all aspects of our lives. USATF Illinois will address the symptoms, the organizational/event impact and the coaches/parents/athletes responsibilities that are applicable
throughout this competition.
Symptoms (According to the Dekalb County Health Department)
After exposure to the Coronavirus, symptoms may appear within 2-14 days. Following are the symptoms:
-Fever (100.4 and higher)
-Difficulty Breathing or Shortness of Breath
-Sore Throat
-Loss of Taste/Smell
-Muscle pain
-Shaking with chills
*DCHD is in regular communication with and following guidance provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the Center's for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the changing COVID-19 situation. DCHD's Communicable Disease staff routinely monitor and investigate disease transmission and response, which is the case with this new virus.
Organizational/Event Impact
USATF Illinois follows the guidelines of the state and local CDC authorities and the local facility/venue. Therefore, the following restrictions are imposed to this event:
-Parents and non-competing athletes are required to remain in the car throughout the various races. Only athletes competing in the current race are allowed on the course and in various warmup and
check-in areas. Athletes who are not competing in the current race must remain the car. Failure to remain in the car will result in an athlete’s disqualification.
-A single race is restricted to a maximum of 45 athletes.
-Athletes should check in 45 minutes before the start of the race. This time can be used for warmups.
-Athletes must wear masks from the time that they check in until the race is completed and awards provided. During this time, if they are socially distant, a mask can be lowered to under the
-Temperature checks will be performed at check-in. An athlete with a temperature greater than 100.4 will not be allowed to compete.
-Tents are prohibited.
-Concessions stand will not be available.
-Awards will be distributed as soon as possible after the completed race in the awards tent.
Coaches/Parents/Athletes Responsibilities:
Everyone’s cooperation is needed to help protect the “sports” community. For everyone participating or spectating ages three (3) and up:
-Watch your distance. Keep at least six feet from others.
-Wear a mask that covers the mouth and nose whenever you’re within six (6) feet of others.
-Sanitize your hands regularly.
-Complete the COVID-19 Symptom Checklist at packet pickup. Please refrain from competing or visiting the course if you display any of the symptoms.
-A completed COVID-19 Symptom Checklist is required for everyone in attendance including coaches and USATF officials.
-Coaches who are listed in the coach’s registry will receive a wristband that will allow them to be in a designated area during races.
Age Division Distance Start Time
8 years & under (2012 and later) 2 km (approx.1.24 miles) 9:00 a.m.
9-10 years (2010-2011) 3 km (approx. 1.86 miles) TBD
11-12 years (2008 – 2009) 3 km (approx. 1.86 miles) TBD
13-14 years (2006-2007) 4 km (approx. 2.48 miles) TBD
15-18 years (2002-2005) 5 km (approx. 3 miles) TBD
Note: Start times are approximate. A single race is restricted to a maximum of 45 athletes. If more than 45 athletes, additional races as appropriate will be added. A detailed final schedule will be provided by November 20, 2020.
Individuals: A current USATF membership is required to compete. Proof of Birth (copy of birth certificate, passport, certified baptismal record, driver’s license, or U.S. government identification) is required and must be submitted prior to registration and participation.
Teams: Only registered USATF member clubs may enter a team. All athletes representing the club must be affiliated with that club as part of their USATF membership. To enter a team, a club must complete the team entry/declaration process during online registration. Only athletes listed on the team roster are eligible to represent the club at the Association, Regional or National championships.
TEAM SCORING: Eight (8) athletes on the team may be declared as scoring athletes. The top five (5) finishers among the declared runners will score.
COMPETITION BIB NUMBERS: All competitors must wear their assigned bib numbers during competition chest-high on the front of their jerseys. Bib numbers will be distributed to athletes during check in.
PACKET PICK-UP: Packet pick-up will start and 7:00 am and 45 minutes before the start of each race. Team coaches should pick up the packet.
WALK THROUGH: Because of COV-19 requirements the walk through will be provided via a course map for each distance prior to the event day.
EVENT RESULTS: During competition, live results will be posted: Final event results will be posted at Go to Association Championships/All Results.
AWARDS: Awards to the top 15 individuals in each age division.
ONLINE REGISTRATION: The registration site is: The registration deadline is Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. For youth, the fees are paid online via a credit/debit card or electronic check.
All registration correspondence should be mailed to:
USATF Illinois
1770 W. State St., suite A
Sycamore, IL 60178
All correspondence must be received by Wednesday, November 18th, at 5:00 p.m.
Notes: Day of meet entries will not be allowed for youth.
All Individual Entries: $15.00 per athlete.
Team: Team entries are charged at the individual rate.
December 12 – USATF National All-Comers, Lexington, Kentucky
Brenda Kimbrough (
Lorette Cherry (
Art Pahl (